We’re thrilled to announce that Social Snowball now integrates with Postscript. This integration will enable Social Snowball users to take their affiliate program a step further with the power of text marketing.

A Bit About Both Apps…

Postscript is a leading SMS Marketing platform for Shopify with features for everything SMS, from growing the SMS subscribers list to creating, automating, and sending segmented SMS campaigns. 

Social Snowball helps modern Shopify brands create automated affiliate programs. It automatically creates an affiliate account for all your customers and gives them a custom discount code and/or affiliate link to share right from the thank you page. Besides, like traditional affiliate programs, you can also create a form for affiliate acquisition.

What Does This Integration Mean For You?

If you use both Social Snowball and Postscript for your Shopify store(s), you can:

  • Send an SMS upon Social Snowball trigger events like ‘signed up as an affiliate via purchase,’ ‘signed up as an affiliate via the signup form,’ ‘new affiliate order,’ ‘payout sent,’ etc.
  • Set up flows to remind your affiliates to use their affiliate code/link. Postscript can grab each affiliate’s Social Snowball properties (like referral code, affiliate link, discount amount) and automatically append it to the text message.

TIP: Send these messages at the most emotional/exciting points of the customer journey: Right after they placed an order, when it is shipped, out for delivery, arrived, a week after arrived, etc.

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